Saturday, May 14, 2011

The bears and the bees

In the world of honey
     how do you fare--
Are you the bee,
     or are you the bear?

People can be divided into two groups: producers and consumers.  This basic division can be seen in economic terms, as well as in other areas of life.  Even in the church, you can see workers who are busy as a bee setting up, welcoming others, cleaning up afterwards--basically meeting the ministry needs of the church.  Others in the church just go to soak up the atmosphere.  They lumber in like a bear, eat all of the doughnuts, create a mess and leave.  You just hope that the second group of people get fed spiritually.

Paul speaks to this division in I Thessalonians 5.12-24, when he encourages the Thessalonian Christians to do the work of the ministry.  "Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.  Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work.  Live in peace with each other.  And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are weak, be patient with everyone.  Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.  Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.   Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt.  Test everything.  Hold on to the good.  Avoid every kind of evil.  May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through.  May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it."

We should meditate on this passage.  The last statement about the one who calls you can either refer to the pastors and teachers referenced in the first sentence, or it could refer to God.  Philippians 1.4-6 says, "In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this: that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."  We all know of people we have met who are genuine and caring.  I'll bet right now you can think of at least one person who listens, who is there when you need a friend.  This person is always patient and kind with you; he or she shares love and joy with you; they have a deep-seeded sense of peace about them; they are faithful and gentle, and never fly off the handle.  In short, they exhibit all of the Fruit of the Spirit toward you.  Hurting people gravitate toward them like bears to honey.

See, honey is sweet.   Everyone likes honey.  We are all bears, in that we will go where the honey is.  But bears are biologically related to pigs.  Bears leave a trail of destruction wherever they go.  Bears consume everything, but the only thing bears produce is more bears.

Spiritually, there is nothing sweeter than the Gospel of Christ.  Those of us who are called to the work of the Lord have a mission, the Great Commission, to share that sweet message of salvation with the whole world.  That's a big task, so we'd better stay busy.  And don't worry about what others do.  Do you think that the bees worry about bears?  No.  They keep busy producing the honeycomb and defending their hive as best they know how.  They will continue to gather nectar and produce honey until the end of time.  Like your Spirit-filled friend, they will always produce.

God will continue to bless His Church until Jesus comes back.  He will always provide workers where there is a need.  You can be a part of His plan by sharing the sweetness of His blessing to all.  Like Paul told the Church in Thessalonica, live in peace with each other; warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, and be patient with everyone.  Isn't that a picture of Christ Himself?  And how better to draw people to Christ than to be Christ-like?  Paul admonished us to never repay wrong for wrong--"revenge is mine, says the Lord."  Let God handle the bears.  Always try to be kind, not only to your friends, but to everyone else as well.

"Honey" is a pet name used by some to refer to everyone they meet.  You know the type: "Hey there, Honey.  You want some more coffee, Honey?" Yes, they are talking to you.  You are the "Honey" they are referring to. So, using that logic, let's change the poem above.  Where it says "honey", insert your name.
     In the world of _______(insert your name)
     How do you fare?
Are you sweet and kind, not weary in well-doing?
Or are you not?
Do you act as a channel or conduit for the Spirit of God to work through you?  Or are you one of those who mocks the Spirit-filled person, teasing them for serving other people rather than looking out for Number One? My dear friend, do not quench the Spirit.  God will meet their needs, just like He wants to meet yours.  Look outside yourself, and give your whole being to the service of God.  Like the Hokey-Pokey song says, put your whole self in--that is the point of the song, and the point of spirituality.  God doesn't want your left arm or your right foot.  He wants all of you, totally and completed committed to Him.  Don't worry what other people might think if you "put your whole self in and shake it all about."  Sure, some may think you are crazy as a road lizard for giving up control.  But there might just be that one person who looks at you and sees the face of God.

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