Saturday, December 21, 2019

Name Above All Names

Image result for photo name above every name

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.  To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.  --Revelation 2:17
I have a very uncommon name.  It cannot be found in any baby book that I have ever seen. I have searched high and low and although a few other people (both men and women) share the name, I cannot for the life of me find its meaning.

When I introduce myself, especially on the phone, I am often asked to repeat or spell my given name.  I often try to laugh it off--"It's a strange family name, I come from a strange family."  Often people respond that they have never heard my name before, or that they like it because it is different.  Some will say that they understand, because their name is uncommon as well.

Last week, however, I heard a response that I have never heard before.  You see, I work for an international company, and one of the ladies in my office is an immigrant from Africa.  When she heard me struggle to communicate my identifier to a person on the phone, she said, "Oh, it means 'Apple Of My Eye'."

Hold. The. Phone.

Wait, what?

She said yes, in Ethiopia, the word that is pronounced blin literally means "apple of my eye."  I asked her what language that would be, because I wanted to look it up.  She replied that in Ethiopia, there are two major languages, but that in both of them the word means the same thing.  I have been unable to confirm this independently, both because I do not know any other people who have been to Ethiopia, and my American Google search is limited to English and other European languages.  However, I believe this was a special word sent to me from the Lord this week.

About five years ago I wrote about Psalm 17:8, where God says we are the apple of His eye--maybe you can link to it here:

However, the Lord led me to read Revelation 2:17 in connection with this blessing.  Commentators have several theories about what this verse means, but the one that makes the most sense to me is this (from Barnes' Notes) 

(1) A white stone was regarded as a token of favor, prosperity, or success everywhere - whether considered as a vote, or as given to a victor, etc. As such, it would denote that the Christian to whom it is said to be given would meet with the favor of the Redeemer, and would have a token of his approval.
(2) the name written on this stone would be designed also as a token or pledge of his favor - as a name engraved on a signet or seal would be a pledge to him who received it of friendship. It would be not merely a white stone - emblematic of favor and approval - but it would be so marked as to indicate its origin, with the name of the giver on it. This would appropriately denote, when explained, that the victor Christian would receive a token of the Redeemer's favor, as if his name were engraven on a stone, and given to him as a pledge of his friendship; that is, that he would be as certain of his favor as if he had such a stone. In other words, the victor would be assured from the Redeemer, who distributes rewards, that his welfare would be secure.
(3) this would be to him as if he should receive a stone so marked that its letters were invisible to all others, but apparent to him who received it. It is not needful to suppose that in the Olympic games, or in the prizes distributed by Roman emperors, or in any other custom, such a case had actually occurred, but it is conceivable that a name might be so engraved - with characters so small, or in letters so unknown to all others or with marks so unintelligible to others - that no other one into whose hands it might fall would understand it. The meaning then probably is, that to the true Christian - the victor over sin - there is given some pledge of the divine favor which has to him all the effect of assurance, and which others do not perceive or understand. This consists of favors shown directly to the soul - the evidence of pardoned sin; joy in the Holy Spirit; peace with God; clear views of the Saviour; the possession of a spirit which is properly that of Christ, and which is the gift of God to the soul. The true Christian understands this; the world perceives it not. The Christian receives it as a pledge of the divine favor, and as an evidence that he will be saved; to the world, that on which he relies seems to be enthusiasm, fanaticism, or delusion. The Christian bears it about with him as he would a precious stone given to him by his Redeemer, and on which the name of his Redeemer is engraved, as a pledge that he is accepted of God, and that the rewards of heaven shall be his; the world does not understand it, or attaches no value to it.
And in the stone a new name written - A name indicating a new relation, new hopes and triumphs. Probably the name here referred to is the name of the Redeemer, or the name Christian, or some such appellation. It would be some name which he would understand and appreciate, and which would be a pledge of acceptance.
Which no man knoweth, ... - That is, no one would understand its import, as no one but the Christian estimates the value of that on which he relies as the pledge of his Redeemer's love.
I remember a scene in the iconic movie Ben Hur.  The character Quintus Arrius is a Roman warship commander whom Judah ben Hur had saved from drowning,  After they are rescued, Arrius is informed that his fleet had won the battle, and he is lauded for his victory.  Arrius subsequently adopts Judah as his son, making him a freed man, a Roman citizen, and Arrius's heir. 

In the scene, Arrius stands before a large assembly of guests and beckons young Judah to stand by his side.  "I know him as one who stands in the place of the son I lost," he says.  "I have the love and pride of a son's achievements, which I though I should never have again.  Nothing could make stronger the bond between us, but tonight I wish to share it with you all.

"The formalities of adoption have been completed."  He looks to Judah, and goes on.  "Young Arrius is now the legal bearer of my name, and the heir to my property.  This ring of my ancestors would have gone to my son, so now it is yours."  He hands the signet ring to Judah, to the smiles and applause of the crowd below them.

In Roman times, a ring bore the seal of authority; it would be stamped on wax to seal a document of great importance, so that the image of the seal was visible to all.  However, any inscription within the ring could be seen and known only to the wearer and the one who gave it to him.

It is the same with me.  I was a slave to sin and destined for damnation until Jesus adopted me and gave me a new name.  In time I will get a token from His own hand that will bear a new name known only to Him.  I will no longer be called Blynn, a name that I have become accustomed to but that I do not like very much.  From that point forward I will be called the Apple of His Eye.

To the one who conquers... If I confess my sin and repent of it, the Lord will give me victory.

...I will give some of the hidden manna...  In the Old Testament, manna was literally food from heaven, sent to feed God's people. The word "manna" literally means "what is it?" in Hebrew.  It's origin and makeup are unknown, but it is given by God to nourish and satisfy His chosen ones.  Exodus 16.33 says, "Take a jar and fill it with an omer of manna, then place it before the Lord to be preserved for the generations to come."  The blessing of what was known yet unknown was to be preserved through time so that you and I could partake of it.

...and I will give him a white stone...  Many times God told Moses and the people to gather twelve stones as a memorial to make an altar for sacrifice.  Isaiah 56:5 says, "I will give them, in my house and within my walls, a memorial and a name better than that of sons and daughters.  I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off."

...with a new name written on the stone...  Your name is your legacy; it carries with it your accomplishments and your failures.  Isaiah 65:15 says, "You will leave behind your name as a curse for My chosen ones, and the Lord God will slay you, but to His servants he will give another name."

...that no one knows except the one who receives it.  We can set aside our old self, the personification of unrighteousness, and take on a new life in Christ, who imparts within us His righteousness.  Isaiah 62:2 says, "Nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory.  You will be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will bestow."  Those who do not hear His voice, however, will not get the message, nor will they know His blessing.

We all have been given the family name Christian, because we are adopted into God's family through the blood of Christ.  Individually, though, we have each been given a name, an identity or purpose that only we as individuals can know and appreciate.  Yet we can claim that new identity, that new purpose, because it was bestowed by the One whose Name is above all names, who is mighty to save.  Hallelujah!