And He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" And I answered, "O Lord God, you know." --Ezekiel 37:3I was scrolling through my Facebook feed this week, and someone had posted the meme above. Knowing the friend who posted it, most likely it was meant to be humorous because the last figure says "pirate." Like, if you find a skeleton, you most likely wouldn't know anything about the person, unless it had a leg amputated at the knee. Then, by deductive reasoning, one could surmise that this person may have had a peg leg, therefore they must have been a pirate.
I am fairly certain that the person who originally made up this meme was making a point other than the joke about a peg leg. I believe he or she may have been trying to say that deep down, we are all the same--that we all bleed red, that our bones are the same, that biologically we are indistinguishable one from another. The point, I believe, is that it doesn't matter whether one is white or black, gay or straight, religious or atheist. The only thing that matters is our humanity, our equality, and we should not discriminate against anyone because of their chosen identity.
Sadly, the creator of this meme is ignorant of basic biology. A physician can look at a skeleton and tell whether that person was male or female. A forensic biologist could tell whether the bones had a story to tell, such as age, height, weight, whether the person had any fractures or injuries during their lifetime, and even whether they had sexually transmitted diseases. An anthropologist may even try to determine how long ago the person lived. So we see that the bones do, indeed, tell a story.
It is interesting to me that people with a humanistic or atheistic agenda will argue against creation by looking at DNA evidence, carbon-dating, and other scientific "evidence" for evolution. And yet their children will ignore science altogether, and declare that they are transgender; that they are a woman trapped inside a man's body, or that they are some other gender altogether, one of their own choosing, and that "God made them" that way. Bless their hearts, I know they are confused, and I also know that it is not politically correct to tell them so. However, a thousand years from now when an archaeologist uncovers their bones, he or she will observe that they were male or female. The archaeologist will look at the context clues, the cultural relics, and may even be able to tell their race, religion, and even their sexual practices.
It is also interesting to me that humanist-atheists will proclaim themselves as "pro-choice". This, of course, is a catch-word in the abortion debate; they are trying to say that those of us who support life would dictate our morals to others in a legalistic or paternalistic way by suppressing the choices they want to make. In fact, it all does come down to choice.
The choices we make will ultimately determine our destiny. If I chose to get drunk or high before reporting to work, I should not be surprised when I am fired from the job. I am free to use any mind-altering substance I choose, but I am not shielded from the consequences. Alas, consequence is not a subject that we like to discuss. We would much rather dwell on our freedoms.
The Bible speaks of this, as well.
"All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful for me," but I will not be dominated by anything. "Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food"--and God will destroy both one and the other. --1 Corinthians 6:12, 13aWhen you are confronted about the choices you made, you may utilize this defense: I'm not doing anything illegal. While this may be true in whatever country, state, or jurisdiction you reside, God's law supersedes man's law every time. When you die and stand before God, He will not ask you whether you followed the cultural norms or followed the rules set by society. He will ask you whether you violated His perfect law. When it becomes evident that you did not, your only hope is the blood of Jesus.
Please do not get lost in the noise of our culture. The arguments of secularism and humanism and atheism are all contradictory. The only last truth is the word of God. Seek Him. Seek His word. That is the only way to overcome the world, and devil, who is the ruler of this world. Revelation 12:11 says, "And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lam and by the word of their testimony."
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