Friday, May 1, 2015

Shameless Self Promotion

Facets of Grace

Book Summary

Like a precious stone prepared by a master jeweler, grace is a beautiful, multi-faceted gift that God gives to all. It was available to Adam and Eve to cover their sin. It was a theme of the song of Jonah sung from the belly of the great fish. Grace was seen in the parable of the Good Samaritan, who not only saw to the needs of the traveler who fell victim to the robbers, but extended the gift to the robbers as well. It will be given to the Tribulation Saints at the end of the world as we know it.

Come explore the grace of God in ways that you had not thought of before!

Blynn Stewart is a graduate of Howard Payne University, and of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. You can follow him at

Yes, friends, I have written a book.  The good people at Xulon Press have published it for me.  There is a link to the publisher's web site at the upper right corner of this page.  Clicking on the link will take you directly to my book's page, where you can purchase one or more copies.  Soon it will be available on Nook, Kindle and Apple iBooks.  I hope some day that it can be sold in bookstores.

That's where you come in.  If you purchase my book online, you will be charged shipping fees.  But if you take my ISBN number to your local bookstore, they will order it for you, and you may avoid the shipping fees.  If enough people request it, the bookstore may decide to stock it.

I also covet your prayers.  This is not about me.  It is all about the grace of a loving God.  He must increase, I must decrease.  It is my prayer that the person who needs this message will read the book.  It's not about my making any money at this.  If I sell enough books to cover my costs, I will be happy.  If I make any profit, I will be blessed.  It is God who gives the increase.  I do not expect to be a best-selling author, ever.  Not with this book, not with the next.  

My main purpose for this book is "for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."  (Ephesians 4:12).  If someone comes to a saving knowledge of Christ after reading Facets of Grace, to God be the glory.

I would love it if a small group Bible study, or Men's group, all read the book together, using the study questions at the end of each chapter to discuss and learn and be motivated to study more of God's word.  "Iron sharpens iron."  (Proverbs 27:17)  The ideas in this book might cause a discussion, a debate, or even a discipleship group to form.  It is only 12 chapters, so a weekly group could go through it all in 3 months.

It can also be used in personal Bible study.  It is meant for personal spiritual growth.  It is useful for any age, and it does not matter whether you are a babe in Christ or a mature Christian.  

Yes, a lot of the material has come from this very blog, which you can access for free.  But I think there is enough new material, organized in an easy-to-read format, that it can be a great tool to learn more about our Savior and His abundant grace in our lives.

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