Thursday, May 7, 2015

We Shall Overcome

Had an absolutely amazing time at Bible study last night.  My wife and I meet in a small-group, in someone's home.  We share our food, our fellowship, and our fears.  We edify, testify, identify, and glorify together.  We shared how God was working in our lives, and praised Him together.  Things like my new book, and another's new car.  We shared our burdens together, and prayed over one another.  Things like sickness and sore muscles, and broken relationships.

This, I think, is what the body of Christ is meant to do.  We all know the Scriptures--

  • bear one another's burdens; 
  • if any among you is sick, let them pray; 
  • let everything that has breath praise Him.
It is quite another thing to be present when it actually happens.

When it was all over, I felt like I had truly been in the presence of the Lord.  There were battles that had been won there last night.  There were songs of victory.  We were unified in purpose under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  It was awesome.

I came away thinking about Revelation 12:10-12
Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, "It has happened at last--the salvation and power and kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ!  For the Accuser has been thrown down to earth--the one who accused our brothers and sisters before our God day and night.  And they have defeated him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of their testimony.  And they were not afraid to die." (New Living Translation)
Now I know that this was written by John after he had been taken up into heaven and allowed to see what will be at the coming of the Son of Man.  It will be glorious, I know.  But I also think that it applies to the here and now.

  • Salvation belongs to our God!
  • He is powerful!
  • His kingdom has come to earth through the authority of His Son, the Christ.
  • The Accuser (Satan) has been dethroned, cast out of the presence of God.
How many times do we confess our sins, and know God's forgiveness and move on, when the very next day (or hour, or season), Satan accuses us in our spirit and we are brought low again for the very thing which we had confessed, and for which we had received forgiveness?  This very thing was evident in our small group setting last night.  We were able to overcome it, by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony.

I am grateful for my small group, and for the way God ministers to me through them.  If God can use me and my testimony in some small way to encourage another, to God be glory forever!  I can't tell you what the small group has meant in my life.  If you are not involved in a small group study, either through your church (you may call it Sunday School, or Bible Study, or Men's/Women's Group), or it may be like our group which is extra-congregational (that is, involving those from many churches, not affiliated with any one church).  

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